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Support Us

Thank you for considering supporting the Franciscan Conventuals in our mission to serve others, foster faith, and build community. Your generosity allows us to continue following in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi and make a positive impact on the world. There are several ways you can support our community and our ministries.

The Impact of Your Support

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Priestly Formation: Individuals who answer the call to priesthood and join our Order commit to a minimum of six years of training and preparation for their priestly duties. This involves studying theology, philosophy, and other related subjects, as well as actively participating in various apostolic ministries. The cost of education for each friar is at least £8,000 per year, not including living expenses such as food, accommodation, books, and clothing. We are deeply grateful for the generous assistance provided by our benefactors, without which we would not be able to provide proper training for our future priests.

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Education & Training: Men who do not feel called to priesthood can still live out their consecrated lives in various ways. They are encouraged to develop their skills and education to better serve their communities. Some friars may choose to become qualified nurses, social workers, counsellors, youth workers, or missionaries. It is crucial that these friars are equipped to serve the people of the world in different capacities, and your support is highly appreciated in achieving this goal.

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Ministry: Many of our friars throughout Great Britain & Ireland are engaged in ministry to the very poorest in society who are often overlooked. The Greyfriars depend upon friends and benefactors to compensate this ministry through donations, whether it is monetary or by donating food and supplies; every donation makes a difference. As well as outreach and work with the poor, our friars support many parishes, and the ministries that come with them: school and hospital chaplaincy, prison ministry, baptisms, weddings, funerals and much more. Many parish friaries are desperately underfunded, and due to the poor economic climate, many are struggling to meet basic needs such as heating and electricity costs.

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Retirement: Our friars dedicate their lives to service of the Church, but historically there has been little provision for their retirement needs. Although we seek to care for our retired and elderly friars ourselves, it is often necessary for us to seek help and support from qualified nurses and caregivers. The provision for retired friars is severely under-funded and far from adequate to meet our impending needs.

If you would like to make a donation, kindly click on the donate button provided below.


Thank you for your support

We extend our deepest gratitude to all those who choose to support the Franciscan Conventuals. Together, We can train the next generation of Franciscan Friars; furthermore, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve and continue to spread the message of love, compassion, and service to others and truly bridge the gap between heaven and earth. 

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